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Google AI Technology

Google: AI Content Is Not By Default Well Received By Its Algorithms 18

An anonymous reader shares a report: Danny Sullivan, Google's Search Liaison, responded to Vox Media's claim that AI content is currently "well-received by search engines." Sullivan said, "It's still not correct that AI content will be "well-received by search engines," at least for us." Sullivan went on to explain on Twitter that "There's lots of AI content on the web that doesn't rank well and hence isn't well received" by Google Search. "AI content has no magic ranking powers," Sullivan said. Only "if content is helpful, then it might succeed," but not because AI wrote it does it mean the content is helpful.

Sullivan wrote to the author, "FYI about this part: "he's learned that AI content 'will, at least for the moment, be well-received by search engines'." This isn't correct. Our systems are looking at the helpfulness of content, rather than how it is produced," Danny Sullivan clarified. "We'd encourage publishers, however they produce content, to ensure they're making it for people-first," he added. "Producing a lot of content with the primary purpose of ranking in search, rather than for people, should be avoided. Sites producing a lot of unhelpful content not intended for people-first may find all of their content less likely to be successful with search," he said.
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Google: AI Content Is Not By Default Well Received By Its Algorithms

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  • by whoahshit ( 10413907 ) on Wednesday July 19, 2023 @02:52PM (#63699654)
    Google's search results are in worse shape than they ever been, and reading then pat themselves on the back makes me think they won't be getting better. It's like they don't acknowledge how successful these garbage SEO tactics have been at muddying results into nonsense factoids and unsourced claims presented as fact.
    • This. I have given up on using search for words that are directly monetizable. I am so tired of reading through multiple pages of text just to find my time completely wasted. Google has already lost this battle.
      • Sadly true. It wasnt too long ago I never needed to look past top 5 for a good result. It appears the vast majority of too 5 is whoever spends the most on marketing now. Rarely the actual best product.
    • by Luckyo ( 1726890 ) on Wednesday July 19, 2023 @04:06PM (#63699800)

      This is an extension of events started earlier, when Google started to slowly shift search from search engine model to pitch engine model. Where it doesn't present you best results, nor provide you with a way of seeing most of results engine has found for your search. Instead it will pitch you on things it things you should see as a response to your query.

      Mostly as a tool to boost revenue. AI article spam appears to have made it worse by externally poisoning the results on top of the internal poisoning from the engine type shift.

    • So much this. I'm at the point where when I'm searching for something, I'm generally searching for very specific things. The keywords advertisers are buying might be in the search but has very little to do with me buying anything.

      I've gotten to the point that I tend to skip the first screen, as it's obviously all bought content that is trying to sell me something that I have zero interest in buying.So that's 8-15 search results that immediately go into the mental trash bin.

  • by xack ( 5304745 ) on Wednesday July 19, 2023 @03:03PM (#63699694)
    If people want to generate ai content for personal use on their own computers then that's acceptable, but packaging it for consumption by other humans is unacceptable. I'd treat AI content on Wikipedia as worse than vandalism too, as at least human vandals have to have the bare minimum of creativity. Nvidia and AI "scientists" will be jailed as traitors to humanity after the AI war.
    • Why don't I ever have points when I need them? :D

      • by Arethan ( 223197 )

        Probably because this is Slashdot, and you may have expressed opinions that conflict with the site's unstated narrative goals.
        I haven't been granted mod points since 2001, and the site had far more active users back in those days.

      • Because you suck!
        Laughs with 5 points currently since he doesn't like using them and rather shit post and troll
    • by GuB-42 ( 2483988 )

      If AI generated content is genuinely helpful, where is the problem? Who cares about the process of making it?

      I have experimented with ChatGPT a bit for writing technical documentation. And the result was better than if I did it myself. I know the technical details, but I am not a good writer. ChatGPT has a much better command of the English language than I do, it is its greatest strength. It hallucinates sometimes, but I am here fix its mistakes. What is wrong with that? Should I keep quiet, and not pass on

      • by Dwedit ( 232252 )

        Do you really think that people are vetting and fact checking their AI-generated content before they post it on the Internet?

    • And my axe!
  • Even AI hates its guts.

  • It's all garbage, everything he said:
    ""Producing a lot of content with the primary purpose of ranking in search, rather than for people, should be avoided. Sites producing a lot of unhelpful content not intended for people-first may find all of their content less likely to be successful with search," he said."

    Then why does literally every search result for a recipe result in pages where the recipe is at the bottom of the page? If I search for Tikka Masala recipes, the pages are so long and full of crap tha

    • While I agree with you, most of them have a "skip to recipe" button at the very top". And they're arranged that way because, well, actual articles rate higher than recipes, sadly.

Take your work seriously but never take yourself seriously; and do not take what happens either to yourself or your work seriously. -- Booth Tarkington
