About Slashdot
What is this?
This is Slashdot, a website based on and running the Slashdot-Like Automated Story-Telling Homepage software. You're reading the FAQ.
Who does this?
Slashdot was created in 1997 by Rob "CmdrTaco" Malda. Today it's owned by Slashdot Media. Slashdot is run primarily by a handful of editors and coders, with the help of many others. The editors are Beau ("BeauHD") Hamilton, Manish ("manishs") Singh, David ("EditorDavid"), and Logan ("whipslash") Abbott.
What does the name "Slashdot" mean?
"Slashdot" is an intentionally obnoxious URL. When Rob registered the domain http://slashdot.org, he wanted a URL that was confusing when read aloud. (Try it!)