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Microsoft China

Microsoft Partners With Baidu, China's Top Search Engine 115

countertrolling writes with news that Microsoft has struck an agreement with, the most popular search engine in mainland China, to provide results for English-language queries. From the NY Times: "Baidu, which dominates Chinese-language search services here with about 83 percent of the market, has been trying for years to improve its English-language search services because English searches on its site are as many as 10 million a day, the company said. Now it has a powerful partner. 'More and more people here are searching for English terms,' Kaiser Kuo, the company’s spokesman, said Monday. 'But Baidu hasn’t done a good job. So here’s a way for us to do it.' Baidu and Microsoft did not disclose terms of the agreement. But the new English-language search results will undoubtedly be censored, since Beijing maintains strict controls over Internet companies and requires those operating on the mainland to censor results the government deems dangerous or troublesome, including references to human rights issues and dissidents."
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Microsoft Partners With Baidu, China's Top Search Engine

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  • by sethstorm ( 512897 ) on Tuesday July 05, 2011 @01:30AM (#36658032) Homepage

    Compliance isn't an excuse for assisting China. But what's a few dead, organ-harvested people under the bridge who voiced their opposition to the company town?

    • by rtfa-troll ( 1340807 ) on Tuesday July 05, 2011 @01:46AM (#36658090)

      But what's a few dead, organ-harvested people under the bridge who voiced their opposition to the company town?

      A business expense.

      • by c ( 8461 )

        > > But what's a few dead, organ-harvested people under the bridge
        > > who voiced their opposition to the company town?
        > A business expense.

        That depends upon how much you get for the organs, doesn't it?

        • I'm not sure you understand doing business in China. The profits from the organ donations go to the party member (or occasionally directly to the branch). So do the contract payments. You just get the peace and security of knowing that the local Linux users won't want to start reverse engineering your protocols.
      • This sort of thing is the reason I was in favour of lawsuits against companies in the 80's and 90's who'd profited from slave labour back in WWII.

        If US companies now sense that dealing with nasty totalitarian states can result in an expensive lawsuit in the future it might make them a bit more wary of doing it.

        As for Microsoft I'm the odd situation of disliking them intensely now on slashdot long after it was fashionable to do so. Back in the days when most people here hated them I actually didn't really ob

        • As for Microsoft I'm the odd situation of disliking them intensely now on slashdot long after it was fashionable to do so.

          On the bright side it means you may soon be able to get Google search results in China through Bing's innovative technology. ie copy paste.

        • "This sort of thing is the reason I was in favour of lawsuits against companies in the 80's and 90's who'd profited from slave labour back in WWII." Why stop at WW2? Why not go back to the south in the 1800's or back even further to the Roman Empire that was built by slave labor? How far into the past do we have to go to punish people today for something none of them had anything to do with?
          • How far into the past do we have to go to punish people...

            DNA can be thought of as just more cookies...but they only go so far. Do you know where your atoms have been?? Were you once part of a hostile volcano or an exploding star?

            IBM sold their laptop division, now living through the Chinese brand Lenovo.
            Maybe it's time for the search or better yet the OS portions of Microsoft to be sold too?

        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by cgeys ( 2240696 ) on Tuesday July 05, 2011 @02:02AM (#36658140)
      So, what exactly have you done to not support Chinese? Do you buy products that have been only made and manufactured in the US, even if its higher price? Do you own iPhone or any other known mobile phone? Does any of your product read Made in China? Instead of blaming Microsoft for doing business with Chinese, what about you taking the first step?
      • what about you taking the first step?

        A good first step might for you to go to China and look for yourself.

        It's not the hellhole some people try to portray it as being, and neither are all of it's factories sweatshops.

        • It's not the hellhole some people try to portray it as being, and neither are all of it's factories sweatshops.

          No kidding. What are foxconn workers earning now? An opulent $0.35 an hour? And they only have to work 14 hours days, six days a week. And they get a sponge bath once a week. Not to mention the luxurious 14" board they get to sleep on.

          And to think, a lot of them consider suicide a better option. Buncha cry-babies.

      • by migla ( 1099771 ) on Tuesday July 05, 2011 @03:20AM (#36658442)

        So, what exactly have you done to not support Chinese? Do you buy products that have been only made and manufactured in the US, even if its higher price? Do you own iPhone or any other known mobile phone? Does any of your product read Made in China? Instead of blaming Microsoft for doing business with Chinese, what about you taking the first step?

        Yes, it is good to recognize that oneself plays a part as a cog in the machinery. As a wise man once said:

        "Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!
        (Yeah-Make That Change)
        Gonna Make That Change . . .
        Come On!
        (Man In The Mirror)
        You Know It!
        You Know It!
        You Know It!
        You Know . . .
        (Change . . .)
        Make That Change. "

        But, it is also unfortunately the case that us little consumers don't really run the world. You and I, individually, might be on top of things, at least a bit, using our purchasing power for good, but on the whole, the notion that consumers rule is false. Even if they technically might, we actually don't, because we buy what they tell us to buy (not you and me individually, but all of us in aggregate).

        The consumerist, vote-with-your-wallet-perspective is often useful, but one should not neglect to also look at it from the perspective that maybe the rich and powerful actually are running the show. (Besides, they have very large wallets and some of them have very many guns, even).

        It is convenient for the superpowers and mega-corps if we think consumers have the power. And we do. That's the ingenious bit. It's just that the rich and powerful pervert our potentially rational choices with marketing and through better access to mass communication than the little gal has.

        In addition to voting with the wallet, people should, in my opinion, feel free to keep bitching on /. about the bad things the powerful countries and corporations do. Even if they can't be bothered to wean themselves completely from the convenience of the big cheap teat that is made in china, backed by tyranny and systematized greed.

        • But, it is also unfortunately the case that us little consumers don't really run the world. You and I, individually, might be on top of things, at least a bit, using our purchasing power for good, but on the whole, the notion that consumers rule is false. Even if they technically might, we actually don't, because we buy what they tell us to buy (not you and me individually, but all of us in aggregate).

          The consumerist, vote-with-your-wallet-perspective is often useful, but one should not neglect to also look at it from the perspective that maybe the rich and powerful actually are running the show.

          No, nobody is running the show. This is what happens when a movie has no director. It could be worse; we could have a director with an absolute crap vision.

          We CAN vote with our wallets, we CAN make a difference. Start with yourself. Then go convince two other people to do the same. Spend some actual time at it. If you succeed then you will have achieved more than you did when you changed your own habits.

      • The problem isn't China, it's the government. Refusing to buy Chinese products wouldn't help with their censorship, it would only leave their population poorer. But Microsoft is helping the censorship by complying with it, making it easier to enforce.

      • by xaxa ( 988988 )

        So, what exactly have you done to not support Chinese? Do you buy products that have been only made and manufactured in the US, even if its higher price? Do you own iPhone or any other known mobile phone?

        It wasn't any part of my decision to buy the phone, but HTC makes stuff in Taiwan (they are a Taiwanese company).

      • Supporting China isn't necessarily a problem. I've done work for a Chinese manufacturer and I have no moral qualms about it. The difference is that they were an honest business. I wouldn't work for a Chinese company that actively engages in the censorship of the internet. That's a dishonest business.

        This isn't a China = Bad issue. It's a censorship = Bad issue. Google had no problem doing business in China. They had a problem with censoring their search results.

      • I'd love to buy North American goods but there are hardly any out there compared to "Made in China" goods. Finding stuff that is not made in China is actually pretty hard.
        Someone should make a UPC scanner app that offers you "Made in XX" products as alternatives.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Yeah, let's go 5th-grade-lunch-room on a country with a few billion people, that's a good idea. CHINA YOU'RE A MEANIE SO YOU CAN'T SIT AT OUR TABLE

      It's people like you that start wars. Idiot.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Talk about going 5th grade, read your idiotic comment.

    • Google didn't have a problem with that until their servers got hacked. []

    • But what's a few dead, organ-harvested people under the bridge who voiced their opposition to the company town?

      Do you mean Beijing or Redmond?

    • i like China a lot, they are free of western hippie morals, what troubles me is microsoft getting the monopoly on english based searches ... can you see the duality, if not, goto your statement
  • by agendi ( 684385 ) on Tuesday July 05, 2011 @01:32AM (#36658042)
    "Baidu Bing"... get it?
  • In Other News... (Score:1, Insightful)

    by JMJimmy ( 2036122 )

    ... Microsoft uses it's massive operating system/business software profits to buy it's way into yet another market.

    • by artor3 ( 1344997 ) on Tuesday July 05, 2011 @02:03AM (#36658148)

      Come on, who else is gonna do it? Yahoo? Altavista? Google won't because they aren't exactly on good terms with China what with the censorship and the hacking. This isn't a case of MS getting into a market by leveraging its monopoly powers -- it's a case of MS getting into a market by lacking the morals found in other companies. If you're gonna bash them, at least do it for the right reason.

      • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

        by node 3 ( 115640 )

        Hahaha... Google and Yahoo are your shining examples? They were the first to bow down to China. (well, you sort of have a point about Altavista. I don't suppose Obsorne Computer doesn't do much business with China either)

        Google might be on the outs with China lately, but that bad blood took some while to accrue.

      • by Anonymous Coward
        Google doesn't care about censorship in China. Morality can't even begin to be ascribed to it. Google might care that being China's bitch threatens its perceived integrity in other parts of the world. What idiot would register for Google+ if Google had a reputation as bad as Facebook's? What idiot would store all their data with Google when Google allows China full data center access? Microsoft... has no attributed integrity left to lose, not with the media and not with the people. ("Integrity" for both com
  • They (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Stormwatch ( 703920 ) <rodrigogirao&hotmail,com> on Tuesday July 05, 2011 @01:34AM (#36658052) Homepage

    When you deal with the Chinese, sooner or later they will backstab you.
    And when you deal with Microsoft, sooner or later they will backstab you.

    Who's going to reach for the knife first?

  • Microsoft search engine's name begins to make business sense...
  • by Hognoxious ( 631665 ) on Tuesday July 05, 2011 @02:24AM (#36658244) Homepage Journal

    Two evils only make a good when you multiply, not add.

  • If they are going to censor, they might as well censor open source products and tools. After working in China, I find Baidu does a very bad job of supporting Chinese language documentation for open source. Many programmers in China are very badly trained because they have only used Windoz. They know how push buttons and drag and drop to make software. Some have no idea how to really write code.
    • If they are going to censor, they might as well censor open source products and tools. After working in China, I find Baidu does a very bad job of supporting Chinese language documentation for open source. Many programmers in China are very badly trained because they have only used Windoz. They know how push buttons and drag and drop to make software. Some have no idea how to really write code.

      LabView in red and gold?

      Be careful what you ask for.

    • by RobertinXinyang ( 1001181 ) on Tuesday July 05, 2011 @04:19AM (#36658618)

      Opensorce is pretty much a dead concept in China already. They understand copying; but, why should they give credit to another person.

      Further, sharing is not a Chinese value. Why should they make it easier for another person to compete with them?

      Really, I work at a university in China. they are aware of the Western Linux and Opensource thing. They just have no interest in it. They do not understand the point of it; to them, it is simply based on an alien value system.

      • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

        by marcosdumay ( 620877 )

        "they are aware of the Western Linux and Opensource thing. They just have no interest in it. They do not understand the point of it; to them, it is simply based on an alien value system."

        In that they are no different from nearly everybody at the west.

      • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

        by Anonymous Coward

        Not interested? In fact one university made a copy version of FreeBSD and claimed their own, while obtaining millons of dollars from the government.It's named QiLin, and is for defence research.They actualy baned Sourceforge for sometime with nation wide firewall just to fool the public. A company is also copying Android as we speak, it' named Ophone. Opensource was dead long ago in China, but for a different reason.

    • by jpapon ( 1877296 )

      Many programmers in China are very badly trained because they have only used Windoz. They know how push buttons and drag and drop to make software. Some have no idea how to really write code.

      I think the problem is really that China is pushing far too many people into the fields of engineering and computer science. They don't have the educational infrastructure in place (thanks in large part to the Cultural Revolution) to support educating the amount of engineers and programmers they are producing. As such, quality suffers. They are trying to solve the problem by sending massive numbers of students abroad (and then bringing them back once they graduate), but if they're not careful the problem c

  • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Tuesday July 05, 2011 @02:44AM (#36658292)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by Anonymous Coward

      I think anyone who thinks the USA is bankrolling China has things a tad backwards.
      America only looks rich because of all the borrowed money it spends.

    • Re:oh slashdot, (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Rennt ( 582550 ) on Tuesday July 05, 2011 @03:25AM (#36658462)

      You seem to know an awful lot about the OP's lifestyle, spending habits and motivations. Projecting much?

      There isn't anything nonsensical about an American being concerned with human rights. It's even less nonsensical if you believe Americans share some of the responsibility.

      I suppose weakly rationalizing your own complacency isn't nonsensical either - it's just appalling.

    • Re:oh slashdot, (Score:4, Insightful)

      by icebraining ( 1313345 ) on Tuesday July 05, 2011 @05:06AM (#36658810) Homepage

      So because we don't agree with China's government, we should starve their people by refusing to provide them with work? Nice logic.

      • By the same logic, why should Microsoft discriminate against their people by refusing to provide them with better services?

        Hence GP's point - if you complain about MS (or any other company) doing business with China, and yet buy goods manufactured in China for yourself despite having financial means to do otherwise, it's a hypocritical position.

    • I love how your phone is chinese, your clothes are chinese, your kitchen appliances are chinese and your furniture is chinese,

      My phone is Korean, my appliances are Mexican, American, and Canadian, my furniture is Canadian and Danish, and the clothes I'm wearing are Honduran and Mexican.

  • by Shag ( 3737 ) on Tuesday July 05, 2011 @02:57AM (#36658346) Journal

    Interesting... though not as cool as what he did before []. :)

  • but Microsoft and China in one discussion triggers all reflexes to recklessly troll around....

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Cue a slew of comments about life in China from people who've never been there

  • Google pull out of China because censorship is evil, so in steps m$, the outfit Google coined their motto from originally. But wait ... m$ don't have a search engine of their own, so can the Google servers take the load from them merely throwing up a wrapper round theirs? []

  • Baidu Bing, Baidu boom!
  • So, Google's now going to be providing English search results for China?

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Baidu Bing search: "Operating system"

    1 result found.

  • English is probably used to search for torrents

"'Tis true, 'tis pity, and pity 'tis 'tis true." -- Poloniouius, in Willie the Shake's _Hamlet, Prince of Darkness_
